We currently cater for students aged 11 to 18 [Year 7 to Year 13]: all our students have an Education Health & Care Plan (or Statement of Educational Need if not yet transferred), raised and maintained by the local authority.
Admission is through Northamptonshire Local Authority.
What to do if you think your child needs help, or if your child has not been identified, and you feel they need additional support.
- Speak to your child's class teacher
- Express your concerns, depending on your child’s needs, the teacher will:
Step 1
- Provide additional support using Quality First Teaching (as per SEND Code of Practice)
- They will draw up an arrangement outlining the resources, strategies and approaches to be used to support your child.
- This will be reviewed regularly to meet the changing needs of your child.
Step 2
- Ask for help from specialists such as an educational psychologist or speech therapist if they feel that additional support is required. This is called School Support.
- Teachers / SENCO / school should always ask your permission before calling in outside support.
Step 3
- Will request a statutory assessment of SEN for your child if they identify long term learning needs / difficulties.
- The assessment may involve observation, tests, medicals and interviews with you, your child and SEN specialists.
- If, after assessment, the SEND Team / Local Authority decide that your child has significant long-term learning needs, within 12 weeks an Education Health & Care Plan should be established.
This outlines your child’s educational needs, what help they should get, and how they should get it – whether it be attending a mainstream school, special school, or medical provision – in order to meet their long-term educational needs.
You are most welcome to arrange a visit to our school.
Please contact the office to arrange a convenient date and time.
Telephone: 01536 500030